Florida Black Hole Project FAQ's

Friday, May 20, 2005

Questions and Answers

Q: What is FBHP and what is it about?
A: Obviously FBHP stands for Florida Black Hole Project ( Duh Dumb ass) and it is about totaly nothing at all other than an outlet for stupidity griping complaining and why we HATE I-4

Q:Who are the monkies running this steaming pile of horse shit?
A: Orignaly it was started by my associate Alex DelSanto ( he has since left to bigger and better things I think) and later taken over by Me Wired Wizard.

Q: Why is there Black Hole Music, Games and Wrestling as well?
A: I never know when to shut the fuck up and always have something talk about or something to share with everyone. Also Music, Wrestling and video games are my 3 favorite things to talk about.

Q: Can I write for FBHP?
A: Of course you can just send in what you want but make sure you type in the subject line what section of FBHP project you want to submit in. Makes sense.

Q: What can I contribute?
A: didn't you read the above? Ok lets break it down.
1. If you want to contribute to Florida Black Hole Project it has to be either a Funny story or picture with discription or joke.
2. If it is for FBHPMusic then it has to be a local music review or information. What I mean by local is an unsigned band that is making an impact in your area. They don't have to be from Florida hell they don't have to be from the U.S. just local to you. Any music is accepted.
3.If it's for FBHPGames make it review of a new or old game that is worth playing, new information going on in games or insider info.
4.FBHPWrestling you can send in opinions on the Monday/Thursday going ons or full reviews if you like. Or results of PPV ( Pay Per View)

Q:Can I be a full time contributor?
A: Hell yeah if you got the time I have the space besides it's not easy writing this stuff all the time by myslef.

Q: Are the stories you tell about yourslef and your family true?
A: Yes and no. All of the stories are either ones that I remember or stories that have been told to me so I can't validate the accuracy of the ones told to me. As for the ones that happen to me personally they are true.

Q: Are your really such an asshole to people like your Internet Critic?
A: Yes my comments are exactly as I sent them in my return emails to him.

Q: Where do you find the time to write all this shit?
A: I type really fast.

Q:How many hits do you get on your site per month?
A:Honestly I don't know or care but a kind estimation would be about 4 or 5 people a month give or take a few.

Q:If you have such a low visitor count why do you continue to do this?
A: I like to write and then be able to reflect on my stupidity.

Q:How can I contact you to submit stuff?
A: My email address is wiredwizardz@yahoo.com send stories jokes pictures and hate mail to me there.

Feel free to send in other questions if you like and I will post them up.

Wired Wizard.